May 22, 2020
Episode 69!
In this episode, I have the honor of welcoming back to the podcast an old friend, Jason Spadafore. I interviewed him back in episode 15 and I wanted to have him back to see what sorts of mischief we could come up with. Jason writes under the pen name “Agostino Taumaturgo.” He has been a student of Christian spirituality and esotericism for almost 30 years, specializing in theology and what he calls “Catholic Occultism.” Jason now writes, teaches, and lectures on spirituality, magic, and manifestation within a Christian paradigm. I’m glad to have Bishop Jason back on the podcast!
We talk about several things including the Roman Catholic Traditionalist Movement and Vatican II.
Convergent Streams: The Premier ISM Magazine.
This podcast is hosted by David Oliver Kling and is produced by the Community of Saint George a Young Rite Jurisdiction.